The exhaust on your truck is an important series of components, that work together to ensure smooth, reliable operation. At Cruise N' Cool Automotive, Diesel & Fleet Repair in Pompano Beach, we also know that exhaust systems are especially susceptible to damage and rust; pipes, mufflers, and other parts are exposed to hazards on the road, and to the environment. This situation, combined with caustic emissions and extreme heat, creates a perfect opportunity for problems to arise.
Does your steering wheel feel like it’s fighting you when trying to drive in a straight line? Does your truck turn too aggressively when you try to go one direction, and poorly when you try to go another? There are a few possibilities as to what it means if your truck resists going in a straight line. Cruise N' Cool Automotive, Diesel & Fleet Repair in Pompano Beach has the answers for you.
The exhaust on your truck is an important series of components, that work together to insure smooth, reliable operation. At Cruise N' Cool Automotive, Diesel & Fleet Repair in Pompano Beach, FL, we also know that exhaust systems are especially susceptible to damage and rust; pipes, mufflers, and other parts are exposed to hazards on the road, and to the environment. This situation, combined with caustic emissions and extreme heat, create a perfect opportunity for problems to arise.
Commercial trucks have heavy engines, and they spend a lot of time running, particularly at idle. As a result, the mounts that secure the engine to chassis of the truck have a tendency to wear out, causing all sorts of shaking and vibration that the driver will feel in the cab of the truck. At Cruise N' Cool Automotive, Diesel & Fleet Repair in Pompano Beach, we can take care of that for you.
In today's economic climate, people are working hard to make their dollars go further. Not only are drivers holding onto their vehicles longer, but they're also looking to improve fuel efficiency to get the most gas mileage out of every gallon of gas. You can do both by following a few simple tips from our team here at Cruise N' Cool Automotive, Diesel & Fleet Repair!
The engine and transmission in your Chevrolet, Dodge, or Ford diesel pickup is the heart and soul of your truck. At Cruise N' Cool Automotive, Diesel & Fleet Repair in Pompano Beach, we repair, rebuild, and replace engines or transmissions with quality parts and builds, keeping your truck on the road for years to come.
Keeping your tires properly inflated and regularly checking the tread can save you money and keep you safe! At Cruise N' Cool Automotive, Diesel & Fleet Repair in Pompano Beach, FL we want to keep you and everyone in your car safe. Let us help you keep your tires maintained at their best.
Whether you drive a Chevy, Ram, or Ford diesel pickup, we have you covered. At Cruise N' Cool Automotive, Diesel & Fleet Repair in Pompano Beach, FL, we can do it all - and a big part of that is done by employing ASE certified technicians.
480 E Copans Rd
Pompano Beach, FL
(954) 786-1219
MON-FRI | 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
SATURDAY | 8:00 AM -1:00 PM